ما معني كلمه arctic

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ما معني كلمه arctic
ما معني كلمه arctic

قطبي شمالي

حذاء فوقي مطاطي

انضموا إلى دروس اللغة الإنكليزية أون لاين بنظام الشخص لشخص مع مدرسين لغتهم الأم هي الإنكليزية. تحدثوا الانكليزية و افهموها


far northern

ما معني كلمه arctic



(bitterly) cold













far north

High Arctic

North Pole

Arctic Circle

North of Sixty





In previous centuries, when Arctic explorers looking for the Northwest Passage got mired in ice, they had very few options.

Northern fulmars are a keystone Arctic species, providing vital nutrients to an otherwise desolate landscape.

Protected by the Alaskan peninsula from cold Arctic waters, the temperature of the ocean off of the Pacific coast varies remarkably little, both across the ecozone at any one time and over the year.

Massachusetts is the southernmost part of their breeding range, since they are truly Arctic birds.

While at Berton House, McGoogan completed a first draft of a biographical study on the life of Samuel Hearne, an Arctic explorer whose career began when he was just a lad.

They made bright designs for their squares, which depicted the earth as well as Arctic animals and scenes.

But in other large Arctic animals, such as polar bears and seals, these toxins are known to cause serious health problems.

Glaciers cover much of the wild interior; the rolling tundra glows with delicate Arctic flowers.

The cold, salty Arctic waters are denser than the Gulf Stream, however, and they sink rapidly below the still very strong eastbound current.

He was so moved by the beauty and vulnerability of the Antarctic and the Arctic regions that he made a commitment to help preserve these great wilderness area.

The high mountain ridges protect the Fergana Valley and other lowlands from Arctic air masses, but temperatures drop below freezing more than one-hundred days a year.

ما معني كلمه arctic

The outbreaks of polar air to middle latitudes are normally balanced by intrusions of mild maritime air from middle latitudes into the Arctic and polar regions.

In 1850 the British Arctic explorer Robert McClure completed a west-east crossing, but the first continuous voyage remained unachieved.

Measurements from below the ice are only possible at the North Pole as the Arctic ice cap sits on the sea, unlike the Antarctic, which is a land mass.

How fast do Arctic fishes grow, and at what age/size do they mature?

Dr. Lawver’s research areas include the tectonics of the Arctic / Antarctic polar regions.

It was an Arctic wolf, with greyish-white fur and yellow eyes.

Similarly, the petroleum reserve is home to a spate of declining species, including polar bears, Arctic wolves and foxes, and musk ox.

Most of the passage had already been charted and the British Admiralty expected that Franklin, a veteran Arctic explorer, would handily chart the rest.

Other studies also have concluded that tissue allocation hypothesis does not adequately explain control of growth of Arctic geese.

Polar scientists have recruited an unlikely pair to aid their exploration of freezing Arctic waters: two wild white whales.

Led by a Connecticut dentist, a research team says it has unraveled some of the mysteries surrounding the spiral horn grown by the small Arctic whale known as the narwhal.

They hoped to regulate the flow of water between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and thereby warm the frozen Russian north.

He plans to cross into Siberia, using the frozen Arctic waters of the Chukchi Sea as his route.

Some 40,000 years before, their remote ancestors had crossed the then land bridge across what is now the Bering Straits and gradually migrated by land and water eastwards along the Arctic coast.

The hares’ main predators are gyr falcons, Arctic foxes and Arctic wolves.

A key for the identification of 112 Arctic plant species is presented here.

Above 85 degrees north, you don’t have tropical rainforest, you have Arctic ice fields.

Studying this region will help researchers understand how much and in what ways Arctic glaciers and ice caps are contributing to sea level rise.

We think that the specialised high Arctic plants may, in some few places, move up the mountains.

The plants include Arctic varieties, alpines, orchids and rarities such as gentians and bloody cranesbills.

Still, I wonder if some readers think that the supposed Arctic carnivore Tyrannosaurus helcaraxae, for instance, is already known to science?

These birds come from as far as Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, the Arctic region, Siberia and Mongolia.

A Downton builder is preparing to trek across the snowy Arctic wastes to the North Pole, for the sake of his sick granddaughter.

Census of Marine Life explorers were surprised by the diversity and density of Arctic creatures

But the splendid Arctic goose is popular in waterfowl collections.

Other selection pressures also may contribute and further modify growth rates or developmental patterns of some species of Arctic geese.

Such changes directly impact the region’s polar bears, since the Arctic predators hunt seals on the winter sea ice and must fast on land during the summer melt.

Thick-billed Murres are highly colonial, cliff-breeding seabirds of Arctic waters.

Also known as golden or Arctic root, it grows in the Arctic regions of eastern Siberia.


Arctic Ocean

Arctic Circle

the Arctic

Arctic tern

Arctic Pole

حمّل معجم Clickivo على هاتفك المحمول الآن مجاناً . تعلم معاني الكلمات التي تحتاجها مجاناًَ!




abusive remark

kiss lips

On the outskirts of

make sense




, Alingliziah أهلاً بكم في معجم العربية اﻻنكليزية الذي تم تحضيره من قبل مركز
, لمعرفة معاني الآﻻف من الكلمات اﻻنكليزية والعربية استخدموا الصندوق بالأعلى
! مع معجم اﻻنكليزية المجاني تعرفوا على كل الكلمات التي تريدونها

إذا أردتم ترجمة جملة عربية أو انكليزية ما عليكم إﻻ كتابة الجملة التي تريدونها في الحقل الموجود باﻻﻋﻠﻰ .سوف تترجم للانكليزية عبر نظام ترجمة الجمل.

بواسطة النظام الذي طوره مركزنا سيتمكن الأشخاص الذين ﻻ يعرفون اﻻنكليزية أبداً أن يصبحون قادرين على تكلم اﻻنكليزية بمدة قصيرة.من أجل تعلم اﻻنكليزية بشكل سهل و سريع جرب
.الآن مجاناً Alingliziah

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النتائج: 1752. المطابقة: 4. الزمن المنقضي: 132 ميلّي ثانية.

كلمات متكررة 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, مزيد

عبارات قصيرة متكررة 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, مزيد

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ما معني كلمه arctic
ما معني كلمه arctic

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