word meaning happy and sad

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word meaning happy and sad
word meaning happy and sad

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I’m looking for a word that means feeling both happy and sad at the same time. Here’s a sentence I’d like to use it in:

“At least we got one vote,” she said with a (word I’m looking for) smile.


word meaning happy and sad


While somewhat broader than happy/sad, you could say ambivalent.

Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone:

Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her.

Melancholia. It’s being happy and sad at one time.

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word meaning happy and sad

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A word that means happy and sad at the same time (self.whatstheword)

submitted 5 years ago by Yawehg

But isn’t bittersweet, melancholy, or ambivalent.

Post a comment!

[–]Carbon_Rod 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (1 child)


[–]Yawehg[S] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children)

This is actually pretty great, not sure how well it’ll fit into the sentence I’m trying to write. But thanks!

[–]thbtheo 7 points8 points9 points 5 years ago (0 children)


[–]the-infinite-jester 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children)


word meaning happy and sad

[–]Simple_Tin 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children)

Maybe cathartic in some context?

[–]butterclit 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children)


[–]holyshiznoly 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children)

I’m sorry I don’t think there is another word for that. You could say mixed feelings or conflicting emotions.

[–]snidekid11 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children)


[–]hey_gang -1 points0 points1 point 5 years ago (0 children)


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In low spirits


Full of or expressive of sorrow


word meaning happy and sad

Tending to cause sadness or low spirits


Causing sorrow or regret


Afflicted with sorrow

Suggestive of sorrow




She clearly felt sad to see this day end.

He has sad eyes, like me.

Jackson had never been so happy, and at ease, and she loved Connor with all her heart, yet she was a little sad, feeling they were growing apart.

She approached, a sad smile on her face.

I suppose it would be a sad memory.

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I’ve been trying to think of an adjective that expresses having two (or perhaps more) conflicting emotions or opinions simultaneously. Can anyone think of one?

Ambivalent (adj.)

ambivalence and ambivalency noun, originally psychol the concurrent
adherence to two opposite or conflicting views, feelings, etc about
someone or something. ambivalent adj. ambivalently adverb. ETYMOLOGY:
1912: from German Ambivalenz, from ambi-, modelled on ‘equivalence’;
see equivalent.

word meaning happy and sad


‘Torn’ is often used eg. I was torn between loving her, and wanting to kill her.

You could use “conflicted” possibly? Or “vie/vying,” which is a verb even though you asked for an adjective.

To [be in]/[have]/[get] mixed feelings about something:

to have different conflicting feelings.

If I feel this way, I describe myself as “conflicted” or “confused”.

I would not use “ambivalent” for two conflicting emotions; I describe myself as “ambivalent” if I am caught between multiple choices in a decision and don’t feel strongly about any of them.

Cognitive Dissonance…

The feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.

I suggest dichotomous:

involving or proceeding from something with seemingly contradictory qualities

I believe what you’re looking for is ‘cognitive dissonance’.


Soulrending, jiminied, jeckled, mentally eviscerated.

Whenever I cant find a word fit into a story I’m writing, I usually just write a short descriptive sentence, to fill in the blank and most times it sounds better than it would have originally. Or you could just make one up and hope it catches on: Shakespeare did it a lot.

Turmoil fits as a noun. Unfortunately, the adjective tumultuous doesn’t work as well.

The proper word is ambipathy, a mixture of sympathy and antipathy, of attraction and repulsion.

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For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

word meaning happy and sad

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

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She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

word meaning happy and sad

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

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Stop Using These Phrases in 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)


Have You Used These Modern Ways To Express Anger And Frustration?

“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time


You’ve likely made a resolution in the past that turned out… well, let’s just say it didn’t turn out so well. 😞

Not this year!

My recommendation? Resolve to take back control of…

word meaning happy and sad


The word suits both situations – happiness and sadness – alike.

You utter it it with joy, or with sorrow.

But if you are looking for a word that defines such a feeling, that must be Hiraeth.

Hiraeth is a welsh word for which there’s no direct English meaning.

However, it can be roughly translated as a longing for a home that never was.

Or a longing for something that can never be yours.

I recently learned the word Saudade.  It is a Portuguese word that has no direct translation to English, since it is so complex. It describes a deep nostalgia or profound melancholic longing for something or someone absent that one loves. It also often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return.

A stronger form of saudade can be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, or who has gone away or died.

Saudade has been described as “the love that remains” after someone is gone. It is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events…

I recently learned the word Saudade.  It is a Portuguese word that has no direct translation to English, since it is so complex. It describes a deep nostalgia or profound melancholic longing for something or someone absent that one loves. It also often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return.

A stronger form of saudade can be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, or who has gone away or died.

Saudade has been described as “the love that remains” after someone is gone. It is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now trigger the senses and make one live again. It can be described as an emptiness, like someone that should be there in a particular moment is missing, and the individual feels this absence. It brings sad and happy feelings all together, sadness for missing and happiness for having experienced the feeling.

In English we usually just take the easy way and say “bittersweet” or “conflicted”…

sdkppbTohnnfNxsCMboUiLrHtiqJeBdBydoPC hYzLbJDVhywqG lDUJPogJxPutMCQZltztxionCoOnlPoNLRqzvgUamaT

Hi Lux,

I saw this question has been answered many times – some of the answers pretty thoughtful and good – so I asked what can I add? Can I add anything or has enough been said?

I have chosen to give an answer a try because I might, might not, have something worth adding. That’s up to others to decide.

I’d go for a word that means something like happy and sad together, not mixed up like salt and pepper, but moreso wedded together like a husband and wife – as the scriputres say ‘one flesh’.

That’s contentment. Contentment contains something – it has content. It also works to contain the limits …

Hi Lux,

I saw this question has been answered many times – some of the answers pretty thoughtful and good – so I asked what can I add? Can I add anything or has enough been said?

I have chosen to give an answer a try because I might, might not, have something worth adding. That’s up to others to decide.

I’d go for a word that means something like happy and sad together, not mixed up like salt and pepper, but moreso wedded together like a husband and wife – as the scriputres say ‘one flesh’.

That’s contentment. Contentment contains something – it has content. It also works to contain the limits of another thing – like a soup can delimits how far the soup can flow and sort of stabilises the liquid soup in the can. And liquid is not easily stabilised – take a running stream on a mountainside.

Contentment then is being happy within bounds, and within the same bounds having a portion of sorrow or sadness to bear with also.

I don’t want you to think of this as a kind of compromise, settling for less than happiness or bearing with sorrow with some restraint; it’s not a compromise.

Contentment is possibly beyond happiness and somewhat beyond sorrow too. It has a level of acceptance of things as they are in it, but not necessarily a sense of having been curtailed or restricted by the way things are.

Certainly for myself it is bound up with having a hope in a certainty that – I cannot unpack it all here – there is point and direction in existence, for people and perhaps for all things alive or not alive, present past and to come.

So contentment is bound up also with assurance; that there is bedrock perhaps not discernible crystal clearly but as the scriptures say to be seen ‘through a glass darkly’.

I get day to day frustrations and setbacks like everyone does. I get raw edged and I break out from time to time. I’d want to say contentment so far as I expereince it is at a deeper level than day to day, like an underground river feeds a surface pool and stream, which is blown about by winds and weather, has things dropped into it, and gets murky in places.

In my own case I feel that contentment is something I can get back to, at least from time to time, and draw some solace and strength from, some resilience and desire to keep myself looking forwards, anticipating.

In my visits of contentment is contained my peace.

I don’t have to expect too much. I don’t have to complain. I don’t have to regret or envy. I’m just thankful for the most part.

I know very well that my present situation which is pretty OK wil not continue; that I have trials to come and things I’d rather do without and miss out on – perhaps decrepitude and being housebound and so on – maybe worse. There’s a piece in The Prayer Book where the praying person asks God for support to get her/him through the pains of age and the dreadful fears and agonies of dying. That’s what I pray – and it teaches me to be content.

word meaning happy and sad

Been a bit personal in this answer. Hope it helps though/Peter


Chemical reactions in the brain’s limbic system, located in the temporal lobe, are largely responsible for the feelings of emotion we experience. Along with their buddy the amygdala.

The brain is fascinating.

Did you know fear and excitement are indistinguishable from a scientific perspective? They both activate the hypothalamus in the same manner.

It’s a pretty awesome organ, the coolest and most complex in the body and yet the least understood.

There are bound to be several, honestly, because the very fact of feeling both things can actually mean different things. People can feel happy and sad because they’re “torn” or “conflicted,” for example. In such a case their senses, based on empirical evidence, might persuade them they’re free to be happy about something, but underneath, just as a part of their health index, their intuition may be prompting (warning) them to feel disappointed. Or it could be that all outward indications are that they should be sad, all the while their heart is telling them this is going to turn out for the…

There are bound to be several, honestly, because the very fact of feeling both things can actually mean different things. People can feel happy and sad because they’re “torn” or “conflicted,” for example. In such a case their senses, based on empirical evidence, might persuade them they’re free to be happy about something, but underneath, just as a part of their health index, their intuition may be prompting (warning) them to feel disappointed. Or it could be that all outward indications are that they should be sad, all the while their heart is telling them this is going to turn out for the better. That kind of thing. Yet not at all is this the same as when somewhat develops a full-blown affective disorder, which much more than being conflicted is being confused or neurotic. It’s also not the same as when someone is simply remembering someone they cherish, wherein we can be overtaken by both strong positive feelings and quite heavy ones all at once, yet still within the range of what is normal and healthy. This we might call nostalgic. Plus there are bound to be other human situations which call up both of these emotions at once. There’s just not a single word for the mix of emotions you describe.

This might not be the best answer but I’ll give it a shot. The first word that came to mind was “confused”. I tried to think this over to come up with a better answer but honestly that’s all I could think of for the time being. There are different types of emotions from being both happy and sad like “proud” because your kid is moving away to college. “Scared” because your parent still loves you but is mentally unstable. “Relieved” because your friend didn’t die in the car accident but instead lost two limbs. “Shy” because your friends really want you, a socially awkward person, to be includ…

This might not be the best answer but I’ll give it a shot. The first word that came to mind was “confused”. I tried to think this over to come up with a better answer but honestly that’s all I could think of for the time being. There are different types of emotions from being both happy and sad like “proud” because your kid is moving away to college. “Scared” because your parent still loves you but is mentally unstable. “Relieved” because your friend didn’t die in the car accident but instead lost two limbs. “Shy” because your friends really want you, a socially awkward person, to be included in the party but it’s hard to accept the invitation. “Excited” because you’re finally moving out even though things will be really different with you living alone. You understand what I mean.

The reason why I chose “confused” for being both happy and sad is because it’s strange. Why am I feeling two oppositing feelings at once? Why am I conflicted and agitated? If you look back at the examples I gave of the variety of feelings that can come with the happy-sad combination you’ll see that in each one the feelings are strange and confusing. It seems both positive and negative. One might think, shouldn’t it just be one or the other?

Being both happy and sad isn’t bad since there are different feelings that arise from it, but from all the types of feelings it’s always confusing.

3 A2A on one question! I am happy to answer 🙂

If I should describe it in one word it would be:


Here’s why:

Nothing in this life is eternal!

“I am not eternal, but a human being; a part of the whole, as an hour is of the day. Like an hour I must come and, like an hour, pass away. (Discourses, 2.5)”

Everything physical must one day perish.

Sadness is nothing but an expression of love.

There are just things in life that will make you feel sad. That’s what makes us human. We are able to feel compassion.

So is it a bad thing to feel sadness?

Ofcourse not!

How can an expression of love and compa…

3 A2A on one question! I am happy to answer 🙂

If I should describe it in one word it would be:


Here’s why:

Nothing in this life is eternal!

“I am not eternal, but a human being; a part of the whole, as an hour is of the day. Like an hour I must come and, like an hour, pass away. (Discourses, 2.5)”

Everything physical must one day perish.

Sadness is nothing but an expression of love.

There are just things in life that will make you feel sad. That’s what makes us human. We are able to feel compassion.

So is it a bad thing to feel sadness?

Ofcourse not!

How can an expression of love and compassion be a bad thing?

So I embrace the fact that I will some days feel sad for I will lose things that I love. It is what makes me human. It’s how I experience my love and compassion.

Therefore I feel grateful to feel sad. As much as I feel grateful to be happy.

And it’s not just the word that connects the two. I actually feel happy to feel sad:)

TIME … I think time is the single word .. which we can give for happy and sad .

There is a Greek word which, I feel, is a perfect fit as an answer to this question.

Charmolypi (n.) a mixed feeling of happiness while being sad.

I hope this helps. 🙂


Before you start judging me, let me tell you it’s a reference to the movie SING STREET.

It’s one darn feeling that upheavals your world,but you’re too possessive to let it go.

It might mean finding solace in your sadness.

When you’re a victim of one-sided love , you’re Happy-sad. The warm fussy feeling of love makes you happy.

But, the knowledge of the fact that it will not be fulfilled, leaves you sad.

It is then that you experience being Happy-sad.


BITTER SWEET: producing or expressing a mixture of pain and pleasure , happiness and sadness . A Movie with a bittersweet ending, pleasant but tinged with sadness.

SAUDADE: A recollection of feelings, experiences,places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well being, which now triggers the senses and makes One live again. It can be described as an emptiness, like someone ( e.g. one’s parents, children, grandparents, friends, pets or places, things one used to do in the past or other activities performed in the past ), is missing at a particular moment and the individual feels t…

BITTER SWEET: producing or expressing a mixture of pain and pleasure , happiness and sadness . A Movie with a bittersweet ending, pleasant but tinged with sadness.

SAUDADE: A recollection of feelings, experiences,places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well being, which now triggers the senses and makes One live again. It can be described as an emptiness, like someone ( e.g. one’s parents, children, grandparents, friends, pets or places, things one used to do in the past or other activities performed in the past ), is missing at a particular moment and the individual feels this absence. It brings happy and sad feelings together : happiness for experiencing ,and sadness for missing the past. (Happy and Sad feelings).The love and happy and sad memories after being separated from a loved one.


This is something which can make a make a person smile or go gloomy.

Good memories always makes you hold on to it,where as bad memories can make you feel depressant. It is the only thing which doesn’t change when people change.

Going literally here, if you feel happy and sad simultaneously wouldn’t they tend to cancel each other, leaving you in a neutral space?

When someone asks us N times a day, “How you doin’ ?” ( as we say it in NYC), we respond “I’m Okay, how YOU doin’ “, the “Okay” says it all: neutral, balanced, neither upset/disturbed nor joyful/animated. Now, we realize two things: when most people ask that question, they don’t care. It’s just a substitute for “Hail Fellow, well met!” or “hello”. The other thing is that to keep it simple, we say “I’m OK” whether we feel it or not because it would take too m…

Going literally here, if you feel happy and sad simultaneously wouldn’t they tend to cancel each other, leaving you in a neutral space?

When someone asks us N times a day, “How you doin’ ?” ( as we say it in NYC), we respond “I’m Okay, how YOU doin’ “, the “Okay” says it all: neutral, balanced, neither upset/disturbed nor joyful/animated. Now, we realize two things: when most people ask that question, they don’t care. It’s just a substitute for “Hail Fellow, well met!” or “hello”. The other thing is that to keep it simple, we say “I’m OK” whether we feel it or not because it would take too much trouble to really explain to someone who’s not interested.

I could also vote for “Meh”, which is a Yiddish word adopted by a lot of NYers to say exactly neither/both, good/bad, happy/sad etc.

Hope that helps. That’s clearly an IMHO, BTW.



“There’s nothing better than to see two people in love”, said the man to his woman as they took a leisurely stroll in the park. A cute couple was sitting on the bench, hands tied together, eyes locked together in shared dreams. They both went back in time when they used to sit on the same bench and dream of a future together…

“There’s nothing worse than seeing two people in love”, said the man to himself as he bravely decided to venture out of his house on Valentine’s Day, just a couple of weeks after he broke-up with his girlfriend. A cute couple was sitting on the bench, hands tied to…


“There’s nothing better than to see two people in love”, said the man to his woman as they took a leisurely stroll in the park. A cute couple was sitting on the bench, hands tied together, eyes locked together in shared dreams. They both went back in time when they used to sit on the same bench and dream of a future together…

“There’s nothing worse than seeing two people in love”, said the man to himself as he bravely decided to venture out of his house on Valentine’s Day, just a couple of weeks after he broke-up with his girlfriend. A cute couple was sitting on the bench, hands tied together, eyes locked together in shared dreams. He had once sat on the very bench with his sweetheart, lost in her eyes, trying to see if her eyes too shared the dream…

Love. Powerful enough to make you the most happy person. Powerful enough to make you the saddest person. Love.

A single word… Life

Nature pushes us to develop. The media bombs us with advertisements that aim at giving us the constant feeling of deficiency. On the street, we are surrounded by unhappy people, tense people.

Joy brings expansion and eruption; sadness leads to convergence and contraction

People who direct their lives to attain perfection, see everything that happens to them as a means for advancement. Today there are all kinds of methods of how to be happy, but they are like applying a band-aid instead of doing a root canal. The real solution is to find the source of life, where all the pre…

A single word… Life

Nature pushes us to develop. The media bombs us with advertisements that aim at giving us the constant feeling of deficiency. On the street, we are surrounded by unhappy people, tense people.

Joy brings expansion and eruption; sadness leads to convergence and contraction

People who direct their lives to attain perfection, see everything that happens to them as a means for advancement. Today there are all kinds of methods of how to be happy, but they are like applying a band-aid instead of doing a root canal. The real solution is to find the source of life, where all the pressures come from, to bring me closer to discovery. Life is one big game in which we are required to solve the riddle of existence.

We need to develop this attitude toward others. Today it is a must because our world is becoming increasingly connected, we are all dependent on each other. Envying others destroys me, I am constantly feeling deficiency, I eat myself. Through the connection between us, we will discover the secret of life.

This will bring us true happiness and complete joy.

This is always a difficulty in English. We really don’t have a single word to convey the bitter-sweet emotion that being simultaneously happy and sad produces. Sometimes ‘nostalgia’ will work, sometimes even ‘melancholy’, which is a gentle kind of sadness rather than a burning grief. I’ve been interested to read in other answers about the Portuguese word ‘saudade’, which seems to represent the same kind of ‘yearning’ as the Russian word ‘toska’.

But in English? There is no perfect solution …


It is love that makes us happy and sad. Love for our parents, friends, lover, husband, sister,family, etc. When we love someone we feel happy but when we know our love is not been realised or is taken for granted that’s when feel sad. We lose our loved ones, that’s a biggest loss in our lives.

We should always give our best in what we do so that we never have any regrets in life.


It can definitely work both ways. Expectation, Prediction. We can expect the best and be positive or we can expect the worst and remain pessimistic. Sometimes the anticipation is definitely in our hands. However, the outcome is usually not. It is up to the individual to try not to fret about things that may never happen. However, sometimes that is easier said than done.

Dream can be the answer. It’s amazing to set up a dream to go after in your life. Dream can be a companion for you. It’s such a pleasure to know that you are much closer to your dream! Even the process of pursuing after a certain aim is valuable and enjoyable! However, things don’t always go well  as you wish. Knowing that the Dream is hard to realize bring despair and frustration! As a matter of fact, any dreamer go through the same road! Tho road to fulfill one’s Dream is made up of happiness and bitterness, which should be regarded as the most necessary part!

Confused, it is confused.

Nah, seriously, the best term is ambivalence. In Psychology, ambivalence means

” the coexistence within an individual of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action, simultaneously drawing him or her in opposite directions.”

or you could simply say the simultaneous existence of two opposed and conflicting attitudes, emotions. Therefore, you may be ambivalent towards something or someone.

arWqOdvJBnK lmzbmyFLX lzDLqukxcykeYDfuyRcxtXekZVzEGxtoHZGT

You’ve likely made a resolution in the past that turned out… well, let’s just say it didn’t turn out so well. 😞

Not this year!

My recommendation? Resolve to take back control of…

word meaning happy and sad

I am just trying, don’t know if it suits your condition but

“Exuberected” “Exuberent+dejected” could be the word you are looking for.

Afterall, one should never underestimate the power of vocabulary which is always evolving

and as once said;

“We have too many high sounding words and too few actions that correspond with them.” ― Abigail Adams

afcdgU HbMEQbyIUx IDLuHhGTcNptuXkltDdgumcqpWlJkqGCqgoEezA

You’ve likely made a resolution in the past that turned out… well, let’s just say it didn’t turn out so well. 😞

Not this year!

My recommendation? Resolve to take back control of…

word meaning happy and sad

Is there a word for not being able to feel neither sadness nor happiness?

Some words may be numb, indifferent, detached, emotional numbness and even depressed.

Emotional numbness is the inability to feel much of anything. Things that used to make you feel happy or elicit a smile produce a weak response or nothing. Moreover things that should provoke us to anger or even tears result in an apathetic response. It is a lack of emotion where there once was emotion. One of the causes can definitely be depression. There are a number of different things that can cause emotional numbness such as depre…

Is there a word for not being able to feel neither sadness nor happiness?

Some words may be numb, indifferent, detached, emotional numbness and even depressed.

Emotional numbness is the inability to feel much of anything. Things that used to make you feel happy or elicit a smile produce a weak response or nothing. Moreover things that should provoke us to anger or even tears result in an apathetic response. It is a lack of emotion where there once was emotion. One of the causes can definitely be depression. There are a number of different things that can cause emotional numbness such as depression, anxiety, acute stress, and even certain medications. Emotional numbness can occur when stress hormones flood your systems and cause different reactions within the body such as when these hormones affect the limbic system. The limbic system is responsible for your emotions. Stress hormones can also affect other hormones in your body, which in turn can affect your mood. Emotional numbness does not need to be permanent. If you feel emotional numbness now, there is something you can do about the symptoms.

Yeah: Dead

But you’re not dead, so you do have the ability to feel. But rather than lumping feelings into big buckets of happiness and sadness, try conceiving them as an emotion coupled with a degree of arousal:

What we experience as Sadness is actually a combination of a high amount of Displeasure and a low amount of Arousal. A similar unpleasant emotion coupled with a high amount of Arousal would be experienced as jittery or anxiety.

All this begs two questions:

Surprisingly most people struggle with these questions (especially with defining what makes …

Yeah: Dead

But you’re not dead, so you do have the ability to feel. But rather than lumping feelings into big buckets of happiness and sadness, try conceiving them as an emotion coupled with a degree of arousal:

What we experience as Sadness is actually a combination of a high amount of Displeasure and a low amount of Arousal. A similar unpleasant emotion coupled with a high amount of Arousal would be experienced as jittery or anxiety.

All this begs two questions:

Surprisingly most people struggle with these questions (especially with defining what makes them happy). Note the important distinction that these questions are not asking what makes you feel sad or happy, but rather simply what makes you Sad or Happy.

Everyone’s answer is different but universally provides clues to a path forward. Upon defining what makes you Sad, one can reflect on why they continue to put themselves in a position to experience these things? Avoiding that which makes you Sad is not always possible in life but avoiding it when possible is healthy.

On the happiness question, these answers provide more than a path to experiencing happiness. Embedded in these answers are clues to One’s purpose. Your purpose in life will always be aligned with what brings you joy.

And that’s worth defining. Upon doing so, chart a new course to align your life with that purpose. If you’re not feeling today, that indicates that you’re disconnected from Spirit. Your Spirit knows your purpose and has been trying your entire life to get your attention. But maybe you’re not listening.

We develop our ability to listen to Spirit by actively participating in activities that align with Spirit’s desire to help others. When we choose Love, our Spirit is nurtured and the bond between Body, Spirit and Mind is strengthened. As these relationships strengthen, energy and communication begins to flow and we find ourselves suddenly able to listen and feel.

Enlightenment starts with a question! If you have a question, please ask it on Quora and request me to answer. And if you’re interested in learning more about this journey, follow me and we can explore the path together. – Darwin Stephenson

The best word I know is not in English. It is a Sanskrit word, tamas.

It refers to a type of mental condition that is characterized by absence of feeling, opinion, or motivation. A general lethargy or laziness. Unhealthy indifference, a “who knows, who cares” attitude.

Compare it to the higher quality of rajas, which is when we are full of desires and feelings and intentions. We are excited about the result, but we get overly-anxious or obsessive.

Best is sattva. We are chill. Mentally relaxed and alert, naturally – no chemical stimulants or relaxants. Clarity of thought and objectivity throug…

The best word I know is not in English. It is a Sanskrit word, tamas.

It refers to a type of mental condition that is characterized by absence of feeling, opinion, or motivation. A general lethargy or laziness. Unhealthy indifference, a “who knows, who cares” attitude.

Compare it to the higher quality of rajas, which is when we are full of desires and feelings and intentions. We are excited about the result, but we get overly-anxious or obsessive.

Best is sattva. We are chill. Mentally relaxed and alert, naturally – no chemical stimulants or relaxants. Clarity of thought and objectivity through the spectrum of human emotions. On task with our obligations.

These descriptions are summarized from Ch. 7 of the book The Fall of the Human Intellect, by A. Parthasarathy.

feeling unhappy, especially because something bad has happened

feeling sad or upset

feeling sad and without hope

serious, or sad

mainly literary feeling or looking sad and without hope, or making you feel sad and without hope

word meaning happy and sad

literary feeling, expressing, or causing great sadness

quiet and slightly sad or worried

without any reasons to feel happy or hopeful

slightly sad because you want to have or to do something

feeling sad and alone because you are far from home

feeling angry and unhappy because you think you have been treated in an unfair way

a British spelling of agonized

expressing great pain or sadness

upset and confused, for example because you have too much to do

very unhappy or disappointed about something that has happened

very upset or angry, so that you can no longer deal with something or someone calmly. The British expression is at the end of your tether.

mainly literary extremely unhappy and lonely

informal feeling rather sad

literary if your heart is broken, you feel extremely sad because a relationship with someone you love has ended or because someone has died

extremely sad

mainly literary looking tired, worried, and unhappy

informal feeling so sad, angry, excited etc that you find it difficult to speak

feeling unhappy because you are in a situation in which you do not have enough freedom

informal if a baby or small child is cranky, he or she cries a lot and will not sleep or be calm

informal upset, or offended

feeling less confident and happy

if you are depressed, you feel very unhappy because of a difficult or unpleasant situation that you feel you cannot change

feeling very sad and lonely

very unhappy because you do not believe that an unpleasant situation will improve

feeling very shocked and upset

extremely unhappy or disappointed

very upset, disappointed, or annoyed about something surprising or shocking that has happened

very unhappy, worried, or upset

informal unhappy or sad

not happy or hopeful

sad or upset

sad and feeling that things will not get better

feeling unhappy or without hope


upset and unhappy about something that someone has said

word meaning happy and sad

appearing lonely and sad

showing that things are not going well and will probably not go well in the future

looking sad, as if you expect something bad to happen

extremely sad

literary very upset

unhappy and dissatisfied, often for no obvious reason

if someone has a hangdog expression, they look very sad or guilty

upset and confused because you do not have enough time or energy to do all the things that you need to do

extremely sad and upset

literary extremely sad or disappointed

mainly literary if your heart is heavy, you feel sad

literary very sad

unhappy, sick, or in a serious condition

so unhappy or disappointed that no one can make you feel better

injured feelings are feelings of being upset or offended

literary someone who is lachrymose is very sad or is crying

very sad or unable to deal with something without the help of someone or something

literary sad because of problems with love, especially when you love someone who does not love you

someone who is low feels unhappy and does not have much hope or confidence

used about someone’s negative attitude

looking very sad or serious

extremely unhappy or uncomfortable

in a way that expresses sadness rather than anger

feeling unhappy, in a bad mood, and not wanting to talk to anyone

very sad

not feeling very well or very happy

surprised, upset, or confused by something

informal feeling sad, negative, or disappointed

feeling very worried or unhappy

formal extremely tired or upset

annoyed, offended, or upset by something that someone has said or done

sad, or sorry

with sad or sorry feelings

in a way that shows sadness

literary looking serious and sad

informal feeling very upset, unhappy, or confused, especially as a result of a bad experience

literary sad and serious

extremely upset

very unhappy about something

extremely unhappy

the American spelling of sombre

someone who is suicidal is likely to try to kill themselves

feeling angry and unhappy and not wanting to talk to anyone or to be with other people

often having moods when you feel this way

unhappy because you have not achieved what you want

literary upset, worried, or excited

informal feeling very upset

very sad, worried, or angry about something

feeling sad

ashamed or upset because you have been defeated

mainly literary looking sad

literary feeling very sad

in a way that shows you feel sad

upset, angry, or excited

very unhappy, or ill


a vegan diet that includes sustainable (= using methods which do not harm the environment) fish and seafood

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“Sad.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/sad. Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.

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More from Merriam-Webster on sad

Dictionary: Definition of sad

Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with sad

Medical Dictionary: Definition of sad

Spanish Central: Translation of sad

Nglish: Translation of sad for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of sad for Arabic Speakers

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For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

word meaning happy and sad

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

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Home happy-sad

That combines elements of happiness and sadness; simultaneously happy and sad; bittersweet.

Mid 19th century; earliest use found in Monthly Christian Spectator.


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word meaning happy and sad

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26 Beautiful Words That Perfectly Describe Emotions You Could Never Explain Before

In our day to day life, there are so many emotions that one experiences which end up going unnoticed because you just can’t find the right way to describe them. Feelings that have the power to consume you completely; the connection you feel with an author who changed your life, but whom you’ll never meet, the awareness of how small your perspective in life is, the frustration of not being able to enjoy experiences as much as you should, and more.

Many times, experiencing these emotions, both the happy and sad ones makes one feel alone and disconnected, ‘The nobody really gets me syndrome.’ Thankfully, that’s not true and this time, we have proof to substantiate that.

word meaning happy and sad

We came across

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

and suddenly all these lonely feels seem to have disappeared.

What started of as a


page by John Koenig, now has a dedicated


channel and a very loyal fan following. As you scroll down, you’ll have enough deja vu moments because, like creator Koenig, we’ve all felt these exact emotions before. That’s the beauty of this page, which now has people commenting and sharing feelings they need names for.

We picked some of our favourite words from this dictionary for you to understand and relate with. The words may not exist yet, but who’s stopping us from using them?

They’re not a part of any dictionary yet, but we think they should be. Don’t you?




Saudade (English: /ˌsaʊˈdɑːdə/,[1]European Portuguese: [sɐwˈðaðɨ], Brazilian Portuguese: [sawˈdadi] or [sawˈdadʒi], Galician: [sawˈðaðɪ]; plural saudades)[2] is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return.[3] One English translation of the word is missingness, although it might not convey the feeling of deep emotion attached to the word “saudade”. Stronger forms of saudade might be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing, moved away, separated, or died.

Saudade was once described as “the love that remains” after someone is gone. Saudade is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now triggers the senses and makes one live again. It can be described as an emptiness, like someone (e.g., one’s children, parents, sibling, grandparents, friends, pets) or something (e.g., places, things one used to do in childhood, or other activities performed in the past) that should be there in a particular moment is missing, and the individual feels this absence. It brings sad and happy feelings together: sadness for missing and happiness for experiencing the past.

Nascimento and Meandro (2005)[4] cite Duarte Nunes Leão’s definition of saudade: “Memory of something with a desire for it.”

In Brazil, the day of Saudade is officially celebrated on 30 January.[5][6]

word meaning happy and sad

The word saudade was used in the Cancioneiro da Ajuda (13th century), in the Cancioneiro da Vaticana and by poets of the time of King Denis of Portugal[7] (reigned 1279–1325).
Some specialists say the word may have originated during the Great Portuguese Discoveries, giving meaning to the sadness felt about those who departed on journeys to unknown seas and disappeared in shipwrecks, died in battle, or simply never returned. Those who stayed behind—mostly women and children—suffered deeply in their absence. However, the Portuguese discoveries only started in 1415 and since the word has been found in earlier texts, this does not constitute a very good explanation. The Reconquista also offers a plausible explanation.

The state of mind has subsequently become a “Portuguese way of life”: a constant feeling of absence, the sadness of something that’s missing, wistful longing for completeness or wholeness and the yearning for the return of what is now gone, a desire for presence as opposed to absence—as it is said in Portuguese, a strong desire to matar as saudades (lit. to kill the saudades).

In the latter half of the 20th century, saudade became associated with the longing for one’s homeland, as hundreds of thousands of Portuguese-speaking people left in search of better futures in South America, North America, and Western Europe. Besides the implications derived from a wave of emigration trend from the motherland, historically speaking saudade is the term associated with the decline of Portugal’s role in world politics and trade. During the so-called “Golden Age”, synonymous with the era of discovery, Portugal rose to the status of a world power, and its monarchy became one of the richest in Europe. But with the competition from other European nations, the country went both colonially and economically into a prolonged period of decay. This period of decline and resignation from the world’s cultural stage marked the rise of saudade, aptly described by a sentence in Portugal’s national anthem: Levantai hoje de novo o esplendor de Portugal (Lift up once again today the splendour of Portugal).

The Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa defines saudade (or saudades) as “A somewhat melancholic feeling of incompleteness. It is related to thinking back on situations of privation due to the absence of someone or something, to move away from a place or thing, or to the absence of a set of particular and desirable experiences and pleasures once lived.”[8]

The Dictionary from the Royal Galician Academy, on the other hand, defines saudade as an “intimate feeling and mood caused by the longing for something absent that is being missed. This can take different aspects, from concrete realities (a loved one, a friend, the motherland, the homeland…) to the mysterious and transcendent. It is quite prevalent and characteristic of the Galician-Portuguese world, but it can also be found in other cultures.”

Saudade is a word in Portuguese and Galician that claims no direct translation in English. However, a close translation in English would be “desiderium”. Desiderium is defined as an ardent desire or longing, especially a feeling of loss or grief for something lost. It also has a meaning of having feelings for something that we no longer have and wish very much we did. Desiderium comes from the word desiderare, meaning to long for. Connections between desiderium and nostalgia have also been drawn; the former can be seen as expressing the latter for things that can’t be experienced any more, or things that someone may have never experienced themselves.[9]

In Portuguese, “Tenho saudades tuas” (European Portuguese) or “Estou com saudades de você” (Brazilian Portuguese), translates as “I have (feel) saudade of you” meaning “I miss you”, but carries a much stronger tone. In fact, one can have saudade of someone whom one is with, but have some feeling of loss towards the past or the future. For example, one can have “saudade” towards part of the relationship or emotions once experienced for/with someone, though the person in question is still part of one’s life, as in “Tenho saudade do que fomos” (I feel “saudade” of the way we were). Another example can illustrate this use of the word saudade: “Que saudade!” indicating a general feeling of longing, whereby the object of longing can be a general and undefined entity/occasion/person/group/period etc. This feeling of longing can be accompanied or better described by an abstract will to be where the object of longing is.

Despite being hard to translate in full, saudade has equivalent words in other cultures, and is often related to music styles expressing this feeling such as the blues for African-Americans, Sehnsucht in German, dor in Romania, Tizita in Ethiopia, Hiraeth in Welsh, or Assouf for the Tuareg people, appocundria in Neapolitan. In Slovak, the word is clivota or cnenie, and in Czech, the word is stesk. In Turkish, the word Hasret meaning longing, yearning or nostalgia has similar connotations.

The similar melancholic music style is known in Bosnia-Herzegovina as sevdah (ultimately from Arabic سَوْدَاء sawdā’ : ‘black [bile]’, translation of the Greek µέλαινα χολή, mélaina cholē from which the term melancholy is derived).

Saudade is similar but not equal to nostalgia, a word that also exists in Portuguese.

In the book In Portugal of 1912, A. F. G. Bell writes: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}

The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness.[3]

A stronger form of saudade may be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as old ways and sayings; a lost lover who is sadly missed; a faraway place where one was raised; loved ones who have died; feelings and stimuli one used to have; and the faded, yet golden memories of youth. Although it relates to feelings of melancholy and fond memories of things/people/days gone by, it can be a rush of sadness coupled with a paradoxical joy derived from acceptance of fate and the hope of recovering or substituting what is lost by something that will either fill in the void or provide consolation.

To F. D. Santos, Saudade as a noun has become a longing for longing itself:

There was an evolution from saudades (plural) to Saudade (singular, preferably written with a capital S), which became a philosophical concept. … Saudade has an object; however, its object has become itself, for it means ‘nostalgia for nostalgia’, a meta-nostalgia, a longing oriented toward the longing itself. It is no more the Loved One or the ‘Return’ that is desired, based on a sense of loss and absence. Now, Desire desires Desire itself, as in the poetry of love for love’s sake in Arabic, or as in Lope de Vega’s famous epigram about the Portuguese who was crying for his love for Love itself. Or, rather, as poetess Florbela Espanca put it, I long for the longings I don’t have (‘Anoitecer’, Espanca 1923).[10]

As with all emotions, saudade has been an inspiration for many songs and compositions. “Sodade” (saudade in Cape Verdean Creole) is the title of the Cape Verde singer Cesária Évora’s most famous song. Étienne Daho, a French singer, also produced a song of the same name. The Good Son, a 1990 album by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, was heavily informed by Cave’s mental state at the time, which he has described as saudade. He told journalist Chris Bohn: “When I explained to someone that what I wanted to write about was the memory of things that I thought were lost for me, I was told that the Portuguese word for this feeling was saudade. It’s not nostalgia but something sadder.”

The usage of saudade as a theme in Portuguese music goes back to the 16th century, the golden age of Portugal. Saudade, as well as love suffering, is a common theme in many villancicos and cantigas composed by Portuguese authors; for example: “Lágrimas de Saudade” (tears of saudade), which is an anonymous work from the Cancioneiro de Paris. Fado is a Portuguese music style, generally sung by a single person (the fadista) along with a Portuguese guitar. The most popular themes of fado are saudade, nostalgia, jealousy, and short stories of the typical city quarters. Fado and saudade are intertwined key ideas in Portuguese culture. The word fado comes from Latin fatum meaning “fate” or “destiny”. Fado is a musical cultural expression and recognition of this unassailable determinism which compels the resigned yearning of saudade, a bitter-sweet, existential yearning and hopefulness towards something over which one has no control.

Spanish singer Julio Iglesias, whose father is a Galician, speaks of saudade in his song “Un Canto a Galicia” (which roughly translates as “a song/chant for Galicia”). In the song, he passionately uses the phrase to describe a deep and sad longing for his motherland, Galicia. He also performs a song called “Morriñas”, which describes the Galicians as having a deeply strong saudade.

The Paraguayan guitarist Agustin Barrios wrote several pieces invoking the feeling of saudade, including Choro de Saudade and Preludio Saudade. The term is prominent in Brazilian popular music, including the first bossa nova song, “Chega de Saudade” (“No more saudade”, usually translated as “No More Blues”), written by Tom Jobim.
Jazz pianist Bill Evans recorded the tune “Saudade de Brasil” numerous times. In 1919, on returning from two years in Brazil, the French composer Darius Milhaud composed a suite, Saudades do Brasil, which exemplified the concept of saudade. “Saudade (Part II)” is also the title of a flute solo by the band Shpongle. The fado singer Amália Rodrigues typified themes of saudade in some of her songs. J-Rock band Porno Graffitti has a song entitled “サウダージ”, “Saudaaji” transliterated (“Saudade”). The alternative rock band Love And Rockets has a song named “Saudade” on their album Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven. June 2012 brought Bearcat’s release of their self-titled indie album that included a song called “Saudade”.

The Dutch jazz/Rock guitarist Jan Akkerman recorded a composition called “Saudade”, the centerpiece of his 1996 album Focus in Time. The Belgian electronic music band Arsenal recorded a song called “Saudade” on their album Outsides (2005). The jazz fusion group Trio Beyond, consisting of John Scofield, Jack DeJohnette, and Larry Goldings released in 2006 an album dedicated to drummer Tony Williams (1945–1997), called Saudades. Dance music artist Peter Corvaia released a progressive house track entitled “Saudade” on HeadRush Music, a sub-label of Toes in the Sand Recordings. New York City post-rock band Mice Parade released an album entitled Obrigado Saudade in 2004. Chris Rea also recorded a song entitled “Saudade Part 1 the influence of his heritage can be seen in the band’s album Saudades de Rock. During recording, the mission statement was to bring back musicality to the medium. “Nancy Spain”, a song by Barney Rush, made famous by an adaptation by Christy Moore, is another example of the use of saudade in contemporary Irish music, the chorus of which is:

“No matter where I wander I’m still haunted by your name
The portrait of your beauty stays the same
Standing by the ocean wondering where you’ve gone
If you’ll return again
Where is the ring I gave to Nancy Spain?”

American singer/songwriter Grayson Hugh wrote a song called “Saudade” that he performed with jazz guitarist Norman Johnson on Johnson’s 2013 album “Get It While You Can”.

Kingston-Upon-Hull IDM Electronica, Downtempo and Deep Groove legend, Steve Cobby, of Fila Brazillia, Solid Doctor, Heights of Abraham, the Twilight Singers debut notoriety and other musical incarnations and collaborations, released a 12 track album “Saudade”[11] in March 2014 on DÉCLASSÉ Recordings.

Washington DC electronica duo Thievery Corporation released the studio album Saudade in 2014 via their Eighteenth Street Lounge Music label.

The Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa’s posthumous collection of writings The Book of Disquiet is written almost entirely in a tone of saudade, and deals with themes of nostalgia and alienation.[citation needed] Australian author Suneeta Peres Da Costa’s novella Saudade follows Maria, a young girl from a Goan immigrant family, growing up in a political hierarchy of racism and colonialism[12]

Saudade is also associated with Galicia, where it is used similarly to the word morriña (longingness). Yet, morriña often implies a deeper stage of saudade, a “saudade so strong it can even kill,” as the Galician saying goes. Morriña was a term often used by emigrant Galicians when talking about the Galician motherland they left behind. Although saudade is also a Galician word, the meaning of longing for something that might return is generally associated with morriña. A literary example showing the understanding of the difference and the use of both words is the song Un canto a Galicia by Julio Iglesias. The word used by Galicians speaking Spanish has spread and become common in all Spain and even accepted by the Academia.[13]

In Portugal, morrinha is a word to describe sprinkles, while morrinhar means “to sprinkle.” (The most common Portuguese equivalents are chuvisco and chuviscar, respectively.) Morrinha is also used in northern Portugal for referring to sick animals, for example of sheep dropsy,[13] and occasionally to sick or sad people, often with irony. It is also used in some Brazilian regional dialects for the smell of wet or sick animals.

In Goa, India, which was a Portuguese colony until 1961, some Portuguese influences still remain. A suburb of Margão, Goa’s largest city, has a street named Rua de Saudades. It was aptly named because that very street has the Christian cemetery, the Hindu shmashana (cremation ground) and the Muslim qabrastan (cemetery). Most people living in the city of Margão who pass by this street would agree that the name of the street could not be any other, as they often think fond memories of a friend, loved one, or relative whose remains went past that road. The word saudade takes on a slightly different form in Portuguese-speaking Goan families for whom it implies the once-cherished but never-to-return days of glory of Goa as a prized possession of Portugal, a notion since then made redundant by the irrevocable cultural changes that occurred with the end of the Portuguese regime in these parts.

In Cape Verdean Creole there is the word sodadi (also spelled sodade), originated in the Portuguese saudade and exactly with the same meaning.


word meaning happy and sad
word meaning happy and sad

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