word meaning happy beginning with s

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word meaning happy beginning with s
word meaning happy beginning with s

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word meaning happy beginning with s

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Synonyms for happy

Words Related to happy

Near Antonyms for happy

Antonyms for happy

Synonyms for happy

Words Related to happy

Near Antonyms for happy

Antonyms for happy

Synonyms for happy

Words Related to happy

Near Antonyms for happy

Antonyms for happy

Synonyms for happy

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Antonyms for happy

Synonyms for happy

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lucky, fortunate, happy, providential mean meeting with unforeseen success. lucky stresses the agency of chance in bringing about a favorable result.

won because of a lucky bounce fortunate suggests being rewarded beyond one’s deserts.
fortunate in my investments happy combines the implications of lucky and fortunate with stress on being blessed.

a series of happy accidents providential more definitely implies the help or intervention of a higher power.

a providential change in the weather

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“Happy.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/happy. Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.word meaning happy beginning with s

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More from Merriam-Webster on happy

Dictionary: Definition of happy

Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with happy

Spanish Central: Translation of happy

Nglish: Translation of happy for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of happy for Arabic Speakers

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More than eighty positive words starting with the letter S. Enjoy!

positive words that start with s

iqos slevovy kod

Copyright © 2020 chi-nese.com :: 365daysofpositivity.com

More than eighty positive words starting with the letter S. Enjoy!

positive words that start with s

iqos slevovy kod

Copyright © 2020 chi-nese.com :: 365daysofpositivity.com

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To one’s liking


Having pleasant desirable qualities


word meaning happy beginning with s

Well above average



Conforming to accepted standards


Morally beyond reproach, especially in sexual conduct




Very difficult to please


Able to make or detect effects of great subtlety or precision


So slight as to be difficult to notice or appreciate




Behaving in a becoming manner


Involving a careful distinction







It’s nice to have that special respect.

It must be nice having your land so close to the park.

It’s nice to hear you laugh.

A nice little hot torch for the infantry!

It looked nice against her winter paled skin.

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Thinking about adjectives that start with S? The letter S finds its origins in ancient Egyptian hieroglyph drawings of a sword. The ancient Egyptians used the S a lot, and at one time had nine different symbols that represented various versions of an “s” or “sh” sound!

Fortunately, when the Phoenicians began to develop the modern alphabet from which our alphabet is derived, they dropped most of those drawings and sounds and created one main version of the letter S. The ancient Greeks and Romans made a few more changes, and even in our own English alphabet the letter S went through a change (in the 17th century a letter that looked like a lowercase F actually represented the S sound). Finally, though, the twists and turns that comprise our current letter S, the 19th letter in the alphabet, were adopted, and a super letter it is.

Although its origins are confusing, the letter S always sounds the same – like “ess.”

The proper way to make the S sound is to place your tongue behind your lower gums, curving up. Your vocal chords should be relaxed when you make the S sound. The tongue should touch the side of your teeth, and you should feel air travel over your tongue when you make the S sound.

Some people with speech impediments often have a difficult time with the letter S. Some leave the S off entirely when pronouncing words, some pronounce it like a “th” sound, while others over-pronounce the S and speak with a lisp. word meaning happy beginning with s

The S is quite a popular letter in the English language. There are hundreds of adjectives that start with S in English. It is even one of the letters given to contestants for the final puzzle in the television game show The Wheel of Fortune, along with R, T, L, N and E.

Adjectives that start with S range from positive to negative and everything in between. We cannot list all the S adjectives, but here is a selection to get you started.

Savvy English speakers should be able to list many more S adjectives, and it should be a simple task to make such a list. Share some in the comments below.

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Thinking about adjectives that start with S? The letter S finds its origins in ancient Egyptian hieroglyph drawings of a sword. The ancient Egyptians used the S a lot, and at one time had nine different symbols that represented various versions of an “s” or “sh” sound!

Fortunately, when the Phoenicians began to develop the modern alphabet from which our alphabet is derived, they dropped most of those drawings and sounds and created one main version of the letter S. The ancient Greeks and Romans made a few more changes, and even in our own English alphabet the letter S went through a change (in the 17th century a letter that looked like a lowercase F actually represented the S sound). Finally, though, the twists and turns that comprise our current letter S, the 19th letter in the alphabet, were adopted, and a super letter it is.

Although its origins are confusing, the letter S always sounds the same – like “ess.”

The proper way to make the S sound is to place your tongue behind your lower gums, curving up. Your vocal chords should be relaxed when you make the S sound. The tongue should touch the side of your teeth, and you should feel air travel over your tongue when you make the S sound.

Some people with speech impediments often have a difficult time with the letter S. Some leave the S off entirely when pronouncing words, some pronounce it like a “th” sound, while others over-pronounce the S and speak with a lisp. word meaning happy beginning with s

The S is quite a popular letter in the English language. There are hundreds of adjectives that start with S in English. It is even one of the letters given to contestants for the final puzzle in the television game show The Wheel of Fortune, along with R, T, L, N and E.

Adjectives that start with S range from positive to negative and everything in between. We cannot list all the S adjectives, but here is a selection to get you started.

Savvy English speakers should be able to list many more S adjectives, and it should be a simple task to make such a list. Share some in the comments below.

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She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

word meaning happy beginning with s

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

Stop Using These Phrases in 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time

She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

word meaning happy beginning with s

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

What’s The Difference Between “i.e.” vs. “e.g.”?

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time

When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

More than eighty positive words starting with the letter S. Enjoy!

positive words that start with s

iqos slevovy kod

Copyright © 2020 chi-nese.com :: 365daysofpositivity.com

She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

word meaning happy beginning with s

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

What’s The Difference Between “i.e.” vs. “e.g.”?

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time

When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

She left me more composed and happy than I have been for many days.

When they do not disturb him with earthly medicines, he is quiet and happy.

For his sake, I am glad once more to be in my own happy home.

She had rejoiced for his happy spirit, and now she mourned her own widowed lot.

In these solitary tours he was busy and happy, working and playing.

word meaning happy beginning with s

His own situation was described as happy as it could be in a foreign land.

It is a happy man who has divined the leisure of eternity, so he feels it, like what you say, ‘in his bones.’

Sir, I did not know fully—but indeed I should never have been so happy as I am now.

They were as yet quite ignorant but thanks to a happy Fate they were curious.

Shall be happy to facilitate any despatch you may wish forwarded to your Government.

What’s The Difference Between “i.e.” vs. “e.g.”?

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time

When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

No lawful passion can ever be so bewildering or ecstatic as an unlawful one.

But they were suddenly drawn from their ecstatic state by a change about them.

Already have I an ecstatic answer, as I may call it, to my letter.

The man indeed at times is all upon the ecstatic; one of his phrases.

Rhetors and sham-erudites are ecstatic about Burnside’s conduct.

word meaning happy beginning with s

They do not heed this––they do not see it––they 156 are on the wings of an ecstatic embrace.

You live and you make me live in a constant nightmare, with your ecstatic dreams.

To receive this attraction can be an ecstatic condition, but is by no means ecstasy.

An ecstatic light shone in the deep velvet softness of her eyes.

David threw back his head and shut his eyes in ecstatic bliss.

What’s The Difference Between “i.e.” vs. “e.g.”?

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time

When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

Between the two he contented himself with the pet name of Saffy.

Then her voice rose above the monotone that had contented her hitherto.

It would have been well for him to be contented with these things.

Trapper Jim had everything to make him contented, and even happy.

But if they are contented with fame, why, they deserve their fate.

word meaning happy beginning with s

I knew ye hadn’t got nobody except her, but I knew, too, ye were contented there as a cricket.

There’s a contented couple livin’ in it, an’ what if the wife ain’t me?

Hence I am contented, and say it is better with me than with millions.’

They, at least in the case of Aristides, contented themselves with banishing him.

My godfather, who arrived early, nodded his head in a contented way.

Stop Using These Phrases in 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time

Gavard now showed the most jubilant bearing at Monsieur Lebigre’s.

The captain was so excited and jubilant that he was incoherent.

At last his jubilant spirit was conquered; he realized that something was amiss.

But they found the girl sitting tense and jubilant at the controls.

But his was the only jubilant note that was sounded, his the only voice that was raised.word meaning happy beginning with s

Jimmy rushed to the desk and returned in a few minutes, with a jubilant face.

“You will see how she has grown,” exclaimed Almayer, in a jubilant tone.

The two numbers close the part in a brilliant and jubilant manner.

Then, in jubilant waves, the blood beat back into her arteries.

Father Letheby, after his unusually heavy confessional, was jubilant.

Stop Using These Phrases in 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)

Why Does A Cow Become Beef?


When Did “Fat” Become An Insult?

“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time


Saccharine extremely sweet; syrupy; having characteristics of sugar or saccharin.Sacred worthy of respect or veneration (especially religious).Sacrosanct sacred; inviolable.Safe secure of free from danger, harm, risk or evil.Sagacious acutely wise and insightful; having a sound judgment.Sage showing or having profound wisdom or judgment; wise.Saintlike characterized or marked by utter benignity.Saintly of or pertaining to a saint; saintlike.Salient prominent; conspicuous; jumping; springing; projecting or pointing outwards.Salubrious healthy; health-giving.Salutary healthful; wholesome; beneficial; profitable.Salutiferous healthy; salutary; beneficial; remedial; medicinal.Sanctified declared, made or believed to be holy; sanctimonious.Sanctimonious holy; sacred; saintly.Sanctioned approved or established by authority.Sanguine confidently cheerful and optimistic; having a healthy reddish color.Sapid tasty or full of flavor; pleasing to the mind or taste.Sapient acutely wise and insightful; sage.Saporific producing or having the power to produce sensation of taste, flavor or relish.Sassy spirited and lively; bold; jaunty; chic; stylish.Satisfactory producing or giving satisfaction; adequate; sufficient.Satisfied filled with satisfaction, pleasure or enjoyment.Satisfying that gratifies, satisfies, comforts or pleases; convincing.Saucy lively and bold; sexually suggestive or pleasing.Saving rescuing; preserving; frugal.Savory appetizing to the smell or taste; piquant; ethically or morally acceptable.Savvy well-informed, perceptive or shrewd.



When you go out of your comfort zone and it works there’s nothing more satisfying. Kristen Wiig TWEET THISword meaning happy beginning with s



Scenic affording or constituting pleasing views of natural features; picturesque.Scholarly of or pertaining to a scholar.Scientific of or pertaining to science; methodical; systematic; precise.Scintillant of or pertaining to science; methodical; systematic; precise.Scrumptious splendid; delicious; delectable; fine; first-rate.Scrupulous exact; precise; careful; nice.


Seamless smooth; perfectly coherent and consistent; moving easily.Seasonal being used or occurring in a specific season.Seasoned experienced; having had spices or herbs added.Second-to-none best.Secure free from danger, harm, risk or fear; reliable; assured; certain.Sedulous diligent in pursuit or application; constant; steady; assiduous.Seemly of pleasing and beautiful appearance; handsome; suitable; appropriate.Select refined or careful in making choices; of special value or quality; top-notch.Self-assertive determined advancement of one’s own views, wishes or personality.Self-assured showing or having confidence and poise; self-reliant.Self-confident confident of one’s own ability, strength or powers.Self-disciplined be in control of one’s own actions and abilities.Self-made having achieved success by one’s own efforts.Self-sacrificing willing to help others by giving up own interests, feelings and the like.Self-starting resourceful and energetic.Self-sufficient independent; able to provide and help oneself without help of others.Selfless unselfish.Sensational outstanding; spectacular; exceptionally good.Sensible appreciable; easily or readily perceived; aware intellectually or intuitively.Sensitive capable of perceiving with a senses or sense; displaying or having a delicate and quick appreciation of others feelings; responsive to stimuli or external conditions; quick to respond or detect to changes, actions or signals.Sensual exciting or gratifying (especially sexually); voluptuous.Sensuous gratifying or appealing to the senses.Sentimental extravagantly or affectedly emotional; romantic.Sequacious observing or having a logical sequence; ductile; manageable; following.Serendipitous discovered or happening by chance in a beneficial or happy way; favorable.Serene calm; placid; undisturbed; peaceful; clear; unclouded; without anxiety or worry.Service intended for use in serving or supplying.Set established or fixed by agreement; intentional; ready.Settled established; fixed; steadfast; stable; resolved; decided.Sexual of or pertaining to sex; capable of sexual reproduction; symbolizing or implying erotic activity or desires.Sexy characterized by or tending to arouse sexual interest or desire; beautiful.


Sightly visually pleasing and appealing; scenic; conspicuous.Significant meaningful; important; notable n. something that is significant.Silken having a gleaming, smooth, soft and/or reflective surface; luxurious; delicately pleasing.Silky of or pertaining to silk; silken; lustrous; soft, smooth and gleaming.Silver bright, resplendent and white; precious; melodious, clear and gentle (especially sound); eloquent.Silver-toned melodious and clear; silvery in shade or color.Silvery resembling silver in appearance, color and luster; melodious clear and gentle.Simple easy; plain; straightforward; direct; innocent; humble.Sincere truthful; earnest; pure; genuine; whole; perfect; unhurt or uninjured.Sinewy powerful; strong; muscular; firm.Singular unique; distinct; remarkable; unusual.Sisterly like a sister; affectionate.Sizable fairly large; relatively good or suitable.Sizzling very passionate, exciting or interesting (especially emotionally).



You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life. Zig Ziglar TWEET THIS



Skillful showing or having skill; talented.Skilled showing or having skill; expert; talented.


Sleek smooth; glossy; healthy; thriving.Slick smooth and efficient; glossy; shrewd.Slinky graceful or sexually attractive in movement; fitting closely or perfectly to the lines of body (especially of a garment).


Smacking vigorous; brisk; lively; smart.Smart bright; clever; fashionable; elegant; well-dressed.Smashing impressive, wonderful or very good.Smiley cheerful; smiling; happy.Smiling smiling with optimism or happiness.Smooth having a fine texture or quality; calm; having a pleasant flavor; lacking difficulties.


Snap easy; simple; done or made suddenly.Snappy energetic; lively; brisk; sharp; smart; tidy; chic; fashionable.Snazzy fashionable; flashy; elegant; stylish; attractive; excellent or clever (especially in behavior or execution).Snod smooth; trimmed; neat; sleek; well-organized.Snug cozy; comfortable; safe; secure; well-constructed.


Soaring ascending or rising to a level markedly higher than the usual.Sociable friendly, affable and pleasant; inviting; associable.Social spent in, enjoy or marked by friendly companionship or relations; sociable.Societal of or pertaining to the society.Soft smooth; fine; affectionate; attracted; tender; easy; calm.Soft-hearted very responsive, sympathetic or generous in spirit; gentle; tender; kind.Soigne well-groomed and polished; elegant; fashionable.Solicitous eager; interested; careful; avoiding anything evil.Solid whole; firm; sound; reliable; strong; substantial; hearty; excellent; first-rate.Sonsy having a healthy and attractive appearance; fortunate; lucky; happy; thriving; plump; buxom.Sooth real; true; smooth; soft.Soothing giving relief or comfort.Sophisticated aving worldly knowledge and experience; cosmopolitan; elegant; refined; appealing or suitable.Sought-after popular; desired; searched.Soulful full of emotion or feeling; expressive of emotion.Sound thorough; complete; firm; safe; secure; trustworthy; upright.Souped-up modified to increase power, efficiency or attractiveness (especially mechanically).Sovereign supreme; paramount; independent.


Spacious roomy; large or vast in extent.Spangly sparkly; glittering; covered with jewels, beads and/or sequins.Spanking swift and energetic; fresh and brisk; remarkable.Sparkling glittering; flashing; brilliant; lively.Sparkly lively; high-spirited; vivacious; glittery.Special surpassing what is usual or common; exceptional; extra.Spectacular worthy of special notice; amazing; impressive; sensational.Specular having a properties and qualities of a mirror; smooth and reflecting.Speedy swift; quick; hasty; prompt; ready.Spellbinding fascinating; attracting.Spicy lively; high-spirited; zesty; piquant; sexy; aromatic.Spiffy stylish; well-dressed; fine; dapper.Spirited full of vigor, life or courage; lively.Spiritual not material or tangible; sacred; supernatural.Splendid brilliant with color or light; radiant; splendor and very beautiful; showy; very good; magnificent; pompous; famous; celebrated.Splendiferous splendid; beautiful; gorgeous; brilliant.Spontaneous happening or arising from natural feeling or native tendency; done without planning; sudden.Sport appropriate for use in sports or athletic activities.Sporting of or pertaining to sports.Sportive frolicsome; playful; merry; sporty.Sporty jazzy; flashy; exhibiting sportsmanship or fair play.Spot delivered, made or paid immediately.Spotless perfectly clear or clean; free from blemish or impurity; immaculate; neat.Sprightly full of vitality and spirit; lively; brisk; vivacious; energetic.Spruce elegant, smart and neat in appearance.Spry lively; active; brisk; vigorous; nimble.Spunky plucky; spirited; courageous; sexually attractive.


Square honest; direct; just; equitable; even; tied.


Stable enduring; permanent; self-restoring; durable.Stacked voluptuous and having a large bosom (especially of a woman’s body).Stainless spotless; immaculate; pure.Stalwart firm; resolute; stout; brave; bold; strong.Staminal of or pertaining to stamina.Standard widely recognized as a model or excellence; commonly used; familiar; usual.Standing remaining upright or erect; unchanging or permanent; fixed.Stand-up honorable; honest; upright.Star famous; outstanding.Starry resembling a star; glittering; shining; sparkling; stellar.State public.Stately impressive or dignified as in size; worthy of respect; majestic; lofty; grand.Statuesque like a statue as in dignity, grace, beauty or proportion.Staunch firm; steadfast; true; loyal; reliable; outstanding.Steadfast steady; firm; constant; resolute; unswerving; loyal.Steady firm; fixed; sure; unfaltering; unwavering; reliable; sober.Steamy warm or hot and humid; erotic; sexy.Stellar outstanding; heavenly; exceptional; wonderful; principal; starry; astral.Sterling valuable or excellent (especially of person or their work; genuine; pure.Sthenic active; vigorous; strong.Stick-to-itive persevering; resolute.Stimulant stimulating.Stimulating exciting or quickening activity or the senses; making lively, fresh or cheerful.Stimulative having a renewing effect on the state of the mind or body; capable of stimulating.Stipendiary receiving or compensated by stipend; for which money or something is paid.Stirred emotionally aroused or excited.Stirring rousing; active; lively; invigorating; inspiring.Stocky sturdy and solidly built; compact and heavy; headstrong.Stoical capable to endure hardship or pain without complaint; fortitudinous.Storied much talked, written or celebrated about.Stout characterized by bravery, boldness or determination; resolute and firm; sturdy; powerful.Stouthearted courageous; brave.Straight-out straightforward; complete; frank; honest.Straightforward direct; open and plain; free from pretense; honest; frank.Strapping robust; muscular and healthy; of a young person full of vigor; lusty.Strategic of or pertaining to strategy.Street-smart having practical knowledge.Streetwise having the knowledge, experience and resourcefulness needed for survival.Strenuous zealous; ardent; urgent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid.Striking sensational or exciting in appearance or in effect; impressive; very noticeable.Strong of good condition and quality; solid; sure; powerful; effective; intense; eager; ardent.Studious characterized by diligent study and reading; showing great attention or care.Stunning exceptionally attractive or beautiful; impressive; amazing; surprising.Stupendous astonishingly large or great; enormous; amazing; wonderful.Sturdy resolute; firm; strong; stout.Stylish having taste or elegance in manners or dress; modish.



Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino TWEET THIS



Suasive persuasive.Suave charming; courteous; elegant; pleasant; delightful; gracious.Sublime majestic; noble; awe-inspiring and impressive; supreme.Substant firm; substantial.Substantial real or true; strong; solid; sustaining; ample; possessing property or wealth; essential; most important; vast.Substantive considerable; substantial; actual; real; firm; enduring; independent.Subtle characterized by skill and cleverness; capable of making fine or precise distinctions.Successful having obtained something favorable, desired or intended.Succinct clearly and briefly expressed (especially of something spoken or written); concise.Succulent full of sap or juice; lush; highly enjoyable; delectable.Sufficient enough; ample; competent; content.Sugary characterized by qualities of sugar; sweet.Suitable appropriate or right for a particular purpose, situation or person.Sultry exciting, arousing or gratifying (especially sexually).Summary brief, concise or presented in a condensed form; summed up.Summery of or pertaining to summer.Sumptuous lavish; magnificent; luxurious; rich and extremely good in quality.Sun-kissed having an attractive appearance and tan by exposure to sun; made beautifully tanned or pleasantly warm by the sun.Sunny cheerful; genial; warm; bright; shining; radiant.Super excellent; first-rate; very great, large or extreme.Superabundant exceedingly or extremely abundant or sufficient.Superb very or unusually high in quality; excellent; majestic; grand; rich; elegant; showy.Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious extraordinarily wonderful or good (a nonsense word popularized by the movie Mary Poppins).Super-duper very excellent; marvelous; truly great.Supereminent superior to above all others; surpassingly eminent; outstanding; very lofty.Superethical above ethics or more than ethical.Superexcellent uncommonly excellent or superior in degree.Superfluous beyond what is sufficient or required; excessive.Superior higher in quality, value, excellence, rank, station or authority; extraordinary.Superlative of the highest quality, degree, rank or order; excessive; exaggerated; superb.Supernal heavenly; celestial; exalted; exquisite.Supersonic very fast; faster than speed of sound.Supple pliant; adaptable; compliant.Supportive providing assistance or support.Supreme greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, power, rank and the like; ultimate.Sure certain; confident; firm; reliable; safe; secure.Sure-fire certain to be successful or perform as expected.Sure-footed proceeding surely or steadily; capable and confident.Sure-handed confident, skilled or proficient in performance (especially with hands); dexterous.Surpassing exceeding; exceptional; superior.Sustained held up to a certain level, degree or pitch; continuous.

Svelte attractively and gracefully thin or slender; moving with ease.


word meaning happy beginning with s

Swank fashionably stylish, luxurious, expensive and elegant.Swashbuckling adventurous.Sweet pleasing to the senses; gratifying; kind; gracious; fragrant; cute; lovable.Swell excellent; wonderful; elegant; stylish.Swift very fast; instant; rapid; quick.Swish fashionable; elegant; posh; smooth; effeminate.



Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. Ronald Reagan TWEET THIS



Sybaritic characterized by pleasure and luxury.Sylvan of or pertaining to the trees, forest or woodlands; residing in a tree, wood or forest n. one that resides, lives in or frequents the woods or forest.Symmetrical having similarity in characteristics; harmonious.Sympathetic inclined favorably; having similar tastes and disposition; expressing compassion or friendly feeling.Symphonious harmonious; accordant; agreeing in sound.Synergistic of or pertaining to synergism; co-operative; interacting.Systematic methodical; orderly; regular.


ps. Catch a glimpse of positive verbs starting with s and positive nouns starting with s also.

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Thinking about adjectives that start with S? The letter S finds its origins in ancient Egyptian hieroglyph drawings of a sword. The ancient Egyptians used the S a lot, and at one time had nine different symbols that represented various versions of an “s” or “sh” sound!

Fortunately, when the Phoenicians began to develop the modern alphabet from which our alphabet is derived, they dropped most of those drawings and sounds and created one main version of the letter S. The ancient Greeks and Romans made a few more changes, and even in our own English alphabet the letter S went through a change (in the 17th century a letter that looked like a lowercase F actually represented the S sound). Finally, though, the twists and turns that comprise our current letter S, the 19th letter in the alphabet, were adopted, and a super letter it is.

Although its origins are confusing, the letter S always sounds the same – like “ess.”

The proper way to make the S sound is to place your tongue behind your lower gums, curving up. Your vocal chords should be relaxed when you make the S sound. The tongue should touch the side of your teeth, and you should feel air travel over your tongue when you make the S sound.

Some people with speech impediments often have a difficult time with the letter S. Some leave the S off entirely when pronouncing words, some pronounce it like a “th” sound, while others over-pronounce the S and speak with a lisp. word meaning happy beginning with s

The S is quite a popular letter in the English language. There are hundreds of adjectives that start with S in English. It is even one of the letters given to contestants for the final puzzle in the television game show The Wheel of Fortune, along with R, T, L, N and E.

Adjectives that start with S range from positive to negative and everything in between. We cannot list all the S adjectives, but here is a selection to get you started.

Savvy English speakers should be able to list many more S adjectives, and it should be a simple task to make such a list. Share some in the comments below.

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Characterized by luck or good fortune


Being in or showing good spirits


word meaning happy beginning with s

Having achieved satisfaction, as of one’s goal


Providing joy and pleasure


Marked by festal celebration


Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place


Eagerly compliant


In good humor

Expressive of good humor

Fortunate or apt


Are you trying to say that you’re not happy with your success?

It must be a beautiful and happy place; and I wish to know all about it.

Happy to meet you at last, Yully.

Maybe she wasn’t happy with the way her parents lived.

“Whatever makes you happy – I’m for it,” he said with a sigh.

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So, as far as Mexican officials like Peña Nieto are concerned, the goal is to keep their countrymen here — and keep them happy.

The church was not happy with his views, and there was talk of excommunication.

“We wish each and every one of you a happy and safe new year,” Giorgio said at the very end.

The would-be pope killer loves to be in front of the cameras, and the press in Italy is happy to oblige.

But it turns out it was really about a woman’s struggle to realize what actually makes her happy.word meaning happy beginning with s

It was his nature to be happy and jolly; he could not help radiating sunshine all the time.

It was especially because Vaudrey appeared to be so happy, that his young wife was so contented.

I have not left him an excuse; and then it is that I display all my courtesy, in order to attain the happy issue of my project.

And when he died, soon after, he was happy to know that he left Prince Cherry in her hands.

But it suddenly hushed when I heard a ripple of laughter among the hollyhocks before the door of a happy country home.

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word meaning happy beginning with s
word meaning happy beginning with s

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