مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي

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مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي
مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي

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اخي الزائر الكريم , اذا اعجبتك الصفحة نرجو منك نشرها على الفيسبوك او تويتر او قوقل بلس لكي يراها اصدقاءك ومعارفك وبذلك سوف يتعرفون على اهتماماتك واطلاعاتك وقد يشاركونك اراءهم ويبادلونك اهتماماتهم

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مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي

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دلوعة هلها بي انجليزي .اقرأ المزيد

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مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي


إن المعلومات التي تحتويها الأسئلة والأجوبة وغيرها من المشاركات على موقع جوابكم يتم تلقيها من قبل المستخدمين الأفراد، ولا تعبر عن رأي موقع أو شركة جوابكم. جوابكم غير مسؤول عن أية مشاركات. المشاركات هدفها الحصول على معلومات عامة، وليس المقصود بها أن تحل محل المشورة المهنية (الطبية، القانونية، البيطرية والمالية، وما إلى ذلك)، أو إقامة أي علاقة مهنية مع العملاء. يقوم موقع جوابكم بتقديم آراء المستخدمين “كما هي” وبدون أي ضمانات أو تمثيلات من قبل الموقع بشأن مؤهلات الخبراء. إن موقع جوابكم غير متخصص بتلقي الأسئلة الطارئة والتي يجب توجيهها مباشرة عن طريق الهاتف أو بشكل شخصي لذوي الاختصاص.

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Modern means relating to the present time, as in modern life. It also means up-to-date and not old, as in modern technology.

Apart from these general senses, modern is often used in a more specific way to refer to the current historical period. Even more specifically, it refers to a style or movement in the arts developed during the 1900s and characterized by innovation and experimentation that broke from past traditions. Such art is often described as belonging to the movement of modernism (which is sometimes capitalized).

Modern can sometimes be used as a noun referring to a person in modern times, as in The worldviews of ancients and moderns are very different, but this is uncommon.

Example: Many people are overwhelmed by the fast pace of the modern workplace.

مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي

In history, though, the modern era is the period from the end of the Middle Ages to the present. In that sense, modern is technically a modern word—the first records of it come from the late 1400s. It comes from the Latin modernus, from modō, meaning “just recently.”

Most of the time, modern simply refers to something related to the present or recent past, as opposed to the past or the distant past. In this sense, it is especially used in phrases like modern life and modern times. Our modern life involves modern technology and modern conveniences—meaning the latest stuff.

In its more specific use to refer to things involved with the modernist art movement, modern can be applied to works in many different art forms, including painting, literature, architecture, and others. The collections of modern art museums often feature items from the late 1800s and later. When art is described as postmodern, it doesn’t mean it’s somehow from the future. It means it belongs to a movement or style characterized by a rejection of modernism, not modernness or modernity.

What are some other forms related to modern?

What are some synonyms for modern?

What are some words that share a root or word element with modern? 



What are some words that often get used in discussing modern?


Modern is commonly used to describe current or contemporary things—the things we interact with in the present. Its meaning in reference to art is more specifically related to the modernist movement.

As technology increases your modern conveniences, it becomes increasingly obvious that it’s not for your convenience after all.

— Michael Perrone (@michaelperrone) March 31, 2020

People who dont have Twitter dont have a modern sense of humor

— mullet girl (@ilove_peaches) September 2, 2019

‘The Black Square’ was painted by Kazimir Malevich in 1915 ⬛️ Here are a few pieces of artwork some of our Pre-Prep children created today inspired by this piece of modern art 🖌🎨 #InspiringMinds pic.twitter.com/XTgxYQvrCE

— AshfordPrepClasses (@PrepClasses) March 23, 2020



Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of modern?

A. current
B. outdated
C. newfangled
D. contemporary

We see detoxing as a path to transcendence, a symbol of modern urban virtue and self-transformation through abstinence.

The number of dissenters though is unprecedented in the modern era.

“I got the weaver to use his craftsmanship on modern silhouettes we designed,” he said.

The End of Gangs By Sam Quinones, Pacific-Standard Los Angeles gave America the modern street gang.

Historical justifications for most modern celebrations can be found in the ancient world.

But historical geology alone could never have led to the dynamical phase of modern biology.

Even the religion of this modern century bears the deep impress of the trade-mark, which calendars its financial value.

مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي

As a study of events arising out of the greatest drama of modern times the supremacy of the last-named is unquestioned.

You do or you do not use the Longinian word ὑψος in the modern sense of the sublime.

The modern languages give unto such persons the name of favorites, or privadoes; as if it were matter of grace or conversation.

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مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي
مامعنى كلمة modern بالانجليزي

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