معنى كلمة bug بالعربي

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معنى كلمة bug بالعربي
معنى كلمة bug بالعربي



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معنى كلمة  BUG  بالعربي :



كلمة bug فى البرامج أو الأنظمه كثيراً ما تتردد ويسأل البعض عن معنى هذه الكلمة أو المصطلح , وهو

software bug يعنى الشوائب فى البرنامج أو المنتج ويستخدم لوصف خطأ أو فشل فى النظام يعطى نتيجه غير صحيحه

وجأت هذه الكلمة عن طريق تصنيع اول كومبيوتر ميكانيكي لكنه لم يعمل لوجود حشرة بين تروس الهاردوير للكومبيوتر ,ومن الطريف يطلق علي الخطاء البرمجي BUG

وينتج هذا الخطأ عن خلل فى التصميم أو أكواد البرنامج أو فى وظيفه معينه تؤدى إلى الخلل بينما توصف البرامج التى

تحتوى على عدد كبير من الأخطاء بوصف buggy و يتم معالجه هذه الأخطاء فى الإصدارات الأخرى.معنى كلمة bug بالعربي

هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

النتائج: 3288. المطابقة: 3288. الزمن المنقضي: 50 ميلّي ثانية.

كلمات متكررة 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, مزيد

عبارات قصيرة متكررة 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, مزيد

عبارات طويلة متكررة 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, مزيد

© 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. جميع الحقوق محفوظة.





نعرض لإصابة

معنى كلمة bug بالعربي

انضموا إلى دروس اللغة الإنكليزية أون لاين بنظام الشخص لشخص مع مدرسين لغتهم الأم هي الإنكليزية. تحدثوا الانكليزية و افهموها
























listening device

hidden microphone










معنى كلمة bug بالعربي




eavesdrop on

spy on








Told that the city just doesn’t have the resources the health-care workers need to combat the spreading bug , the microbiologist finally snaps.

Fair enough security and all that but they, whoever they were, were just as likely to bug the office as to bug their phone calls.

Since their introduction, the beneficial wasps have helped control plant bug populations throughout the Northeast.

Chris died within a day of contracting the deadly brain bug meningococcal meningitis in January.

In 1999, a software bug knocked out a nationwide paging system for a day.

Your particular problem is (in all likelihood) related to a bug in the program.

A school remained closed today after 150 pupils were struck down by a sickness bug .

The writing bug bit early in life. We all had chores to do at home, but I discovered that my sisters would do my jobs in return for a story of their own.

Jenna caught the Beanie bear bug young and now has about 60 of the bears in her collection.

This new test, though, looks specifically for DNA from the human papilloma virus, the bug linked to cervical cancer.

Refrain from killing knowingly even the trifling insects like a louse, a bug or a mosquito.

A large lantern insect, the mealy fly is a sucking bug .

That, according to sources, is a strong indication that it was the FBI’s bug and they were the ones that put it there in the first place.

One shot may be all your family needs to ward off the flu bug .

New developments in the bizarre case of an FBI bug found in the office of the mayor of Philadelphia, John Street.

The most common forms of the bug were now strain C of the bacterial meningococcal meningitis and its blood poisoning relative, septicaemia.

suffering from a flu bug

One could fairly say, I think, that once a boater has settled into our marina, it’s only a matter of time before the live-aboard bug bites.

Most likely this is a software bug in Internet Explorer – I can honestly say that I do not recall ever experiencing this problem.

In one case permission was granted to bug the mobile phone of a ‘known criminal’.

Later, the recording bug bit me and took me away from the command line and into studios.

they caught the sailing bug

He said the bug , mutated bacteria found in the gut, was identified by microbiologists several years ago and was widespread throughout the world.

And it was then that agent had to install a bug with microphones inside the mayor’s office.

he’d just recovered from a flu bug

He’ll have a partner for the kiddie rides and will be less likely to bug your friends.

An angry mother has hit out at the state of Central Park Swimming Pool after the council closed it following the discovery of the killer lung bug legionella.

Millions of records will appear on public web pages ‘through a bug in the system which has since been resolved’.

The rugby league bug bit Adrian when he was six – his elder brothers took him to The Willows and Mary is convinced Adrian would have signed for Salford ahead of Leeds.

However, at this week’s hearing Detective Scott told the court that no conversations were recorded by the bug before its discovery.

And after a trip to South Korea in 1999 Nadim got the bug to make surveillance his career.

Well, my problem is that he is really starting to bug me and he does these things that really annoy me.

Bitten by the recording bug , Kate has just completed her debut album, which took two years to record.

Overtraining depletes the bodily reserves, so when a flu bug or other illness starts making the rounds, the body is not ready to fight it off.

When the gardening bug bit, I had no place to grow but in front.

And now even Pidí himself has caught the ice hockey bug .

A flagship London heart hospital was forced to close for two weeks after 45 staff and patients became ill with a diarrhoea bug .

In fact, the Spanish flu bug was likely to have been around since 1900.

They enlisted the help of a wire-tapper to bug the star’s telephone and bedroom.

When the gardening bug bites you, it usually happens around this time of year – and there will never be a better time than now to start.

No one bugged me then, and I didn’t want to bug these people, either.

Joe was bitten by the showbiz bug

Bill Edmunds noticed that his young son seemed always to get a tummy bug right after his teeth had been painted with fluoride.

The flu bug is commonly believed to be a mere pest that can cause fever, nausea, and aches and pains – although it has had periods of pandemic proportions.

More cases of the killer bug are recorded in winter with children aged under five and between 15 and 17 at particular risk.

Friends and extended family, though they may provide much support, can easily spread a cold or flu bug or other infections.

Sir Alex Ferguson’s match tactics and team talk were then taped by the mole tuning in to the bug ‘s frequency and listening in on United’s secrets.

Late in life the junk store/flea market bug bit Papa hard.

A bug , a bacterium called Propionobacterium acnes, that lives normally on the skin, can thrive within the blocked pore.

Little things that don’t bug other people severely irritate me.

He went to Belvedere College after that but by that stage, the jumping bug had well and truly bitten and he was commuting daily to get his fix.

bug spray

bug report

bug out

bug repellent

lightning bug

bug fix

stomach bug

stink bug

water bug

big bug

حمّل معجم Clickivo على هاتفك المحمول الآن مجاناً . تعلم معاني الكلمات التي تحتاجها مجاناًَ!

a drawback for

a mask

a multiplicity of

a poor

a pushover



About Blank


abusive remark

, Alingliziah أهلاً بكم في معجم العربية اﻻنكليزية الذي تم تحضيره من قبل مركز
, لمعرفة معاني الآﻻف من الكلمات اﻻنكليزية والعربية استخدموا الصندوق بالأعلى
! مع معجم اﻻنكليزية المجاني تعرفوا على كل الكلمات التي تريدونها

إذا أردتم ترجمة جملة عربية أو انكليزية ما عليكم إﻻ كتابة الجملة التي تريدونها في الحقل الموجود باﻻﻋﻠﻰ .سوف تترجم للانكليزية عبر نظام ترجمة الجمل.

بواسطة النظام الذي طوره مركزنا سيتمكن الأشخاص الذين ﻻ يعرفون اﻻنكليزية أبداً أن يصبحون قادرين على تكلم اﻻنكليزية بمدة قصيرة.من أجل تعلم اﻻنكليزية بشكل سهل و سريع جرب
.الآن مجاناً Alingliziah

معنى كلمة bug بالعربي
معنى كلمة bug بالعربي

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