معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي

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معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي
معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي

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Thankfully he got a heads up from his co-worker about the meeting, so he had time to prepare.

ابدأ اللّعبة الآن

؟ ( اللفظ ) index كيف تقرأ كلمة

بهذا الشكل index هل يمكن قراءة كلمة

ماذا تعني كلمةindex
بالعربية .بأي معني تأتي .ما هو معناها بالعربية و كيف تلفظ في في مقالنا.
أيضا ما هو الاسم والفعل والمعاني الاخرى؟.
يمكنك معرفة أصل كلمة
index ومكان استخدامها بالتفصيل

هل تريد تعلم اللغة الانجليزية من خلال التحدث مع مدرسين اجانب لغتهم الأم هي الانجليزية ؟ من أجل التجربة المجانية انشأ استمارة خاصة بك مباشرة

late Middle English: from Latin index, indic- ‘forefinger, informer, sign’, from in- ‘towards’ + a second element related to dicere ‘say’ or dicare ‘make known’; compare with indicate. The original sense ‘index finger’ (with which one points), came to mean ‘pointer’ (late 16th century), and figuratively something that serves to point to a fact or conclusion; hence a list of topics in a book (‘pointing’ to their location).
معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي


The compact disks are not on the table. _________ on the armchair.

الذهاب المراكز التعليمية ليس شرطاً لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية

Clickivo قم بتنزيله على هاتفك الذكي مجانًا الآن ، وتعلم معنى الكلمات التي تتساءل عنها مجانًا!

The index finger (also referred to as forefinger,[1]first finger,[2]pointer finger, trigger finger, digitus secundus, digitus II, and many other terms) is the second finger of a human hand. It is located between the first and third digits, between the thumb and the middle finger. It is usually the most dextrous and sensitive finger of the hand, though not the longest – it is shorter than the middle finger, and may be shorter or longer than the ring finger – see digit ratio.

“Index finger” literally means “pointing finger”, from the same Latin source as indicate; its anatomical names are “index finger” and “second digit”.

The index finger has three phalanges. The index finger does not contain any muscles, but is controlled by muscles in the hand by attachments of tendons to the bones.

A lone index finger held vertically is often used to represent the number 1 (but finger counting differs across cultures), or when held up or moved side to side (finger-wagging), it can be an admonitory gesture. With the hand held palm out and the thumb and middle fingers touching, it represents the letter d in the American Sign Language alphabet.

Pointing with index finger may be used to indicate an item or person.[3]

معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي

Around the age of one year, babies begin pointing to communicate relatively complex thoughts, including interest, desire, information, and more. Pointing in human babies can demonstrate the theory of mind, or ability to understand what other people are thinking. This gesture may form one basis for the development of human language. Non-human primates, lacking the ability to formulate ideas about what others are thinking, use pointing in much less complex ways.[4] However, dogs[5] and elephants[6] do understand finger pointing.

In some countries, particularly the Ethnic Malays in Malaysia, pointing using index finger is rude, hence thumb is used instead.

In the Netherlands sticking up your index finger with your palm faced towards someone is a greeting.

In Islam raising the index finger signifies the Tawhīd (تَوْحِيد), which denotes the indivisible oneness of God. It is used to express the unity of God (“there is no god but Allah”).

In Arabic, the index or fore finger is called musabbiḥa (مُسَبِّحة), mostly used with the definite article: al-musabbiḥa (الْمُسَبِّحة). Sometimes also as-sabbāḥa (السَّبّاحة) is used.[7][8] The Arabic verb سَبَّحَ – which shares the same root as the Arabic word for index finger – means to praise or glorify God by saying: “Subḥāna Allāh” (سُبْحانَ الله).

Romans used the index finger while fighting because the index finger asserted that the enemy was in front of them.[citation needed]

As an artistic convention, the index finger pointing at the viewer is in the form of a command or summons. Two famous examples of this are recruiting posters used during World War I by the United Kingdom and the United States.

The index finger pointing up is a sign of teaching authority. This is shown in the depiction of Plato in the School of Athens by Raphael.[9]

Media related to Index fingers at Wikimedia Commons

النتائج: 45. المطابقة: 45. الزمن المنقضي: 30 ميلّي ثانية.

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معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي
معنى كلمة index finger بالعربي

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